Encrypting variables


Encryption ensures data integrity, security blabla etc. It has to be done per repository i.e. the same data, such as a GitHub token, must be encrypted multiple times


Encryption is done via Travis CLI which is a Ruby gem:

gem install travis

Then login. Go to Github > Settings > Developper Settings > Personal access tokens. Generate a new token and make sure you save the token as you will not see it again. Full control over private repositories is required. Such authorisation cascades to repositories status, deployment, public ones and invitations.

travis login --com --debug --debug-http --github-token XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX

I have not seen any difference between --com and --pro. Debugs are for my curiosity only.

How to use

Encryption syntax is simple:

travis encrypt "Encrypted value here" --com -r {your repo}

Few words about it:

  • “Encrypted value here” must contain exactly what you want o write in clear text. If you want to encrypt a variable, you will write travis encrypt "GITHUB_TOKEN=MyTokenHere.
  • --com because I am using travis.com instead of travis.org
  • -r {repo} to attach the encrypted value to a given repository such as Al-un/learnzone
  • --add path_to_destination to append the encrypted value in your .travis.yml. I do not use this option because it breaks my configuration file formatting and manually add it to my .travis.yml To add a Slack notification, you can use --add notifications.slack.room

The encryption output looks like:


Copy everything to the proper destination. For example:

    # $GITHUB_TOKEN defined here
    secure: "AAAAAAAAAA..AAA"

      # Slack room "workspace:token" is defined here
      - secure: "AAAAAAAAAA..AAA"