Elastic Beanstalk
Elastic Beanstalk comes up with a CLI
Setting up
Go to EB dashboard page:
Services > Compute > Elastic Beanstalk
Create an application. An application can contain multiple environment reflecting the environment stage of your application. This also allows awesome features such as URL swapping (pre-production swapping with production)
Click Create New Application
on the top right and give it an appropriate name
Such application will have three tabs on the left:
- Environments list (terminated environments disappear after a while)
- Uploaded application versions. You can restore a past deployment from here. Versions are stored in the Elastic Beanstalk S3 instance under a folder named after your application
- Environments configurations list
Create an environment and select the Web server environment
Basic configuration
Select an appropriate environment name reflecting the environment stag and a subdomain if available.
Select the platform depending on your application technology.
For now, let’s start with a sample application. The web application will be uploaded later
Leave the additional aside and hit “Create environment”. Please wait for a while. Meanwhile, you can jump into the RDS configuration (please check the RDS page)
At this stage, you have a beautiful landing page
Extra configuration
When your environment is ready, time to set up some extra configuration. So far it mainly involves environment variables, especially if your application relies on it for connecting to the database
Some CLI utilities to handle AWS Elastic Beanstalk. Cool thing is that it can be done on your local machine as well as some Continuous Development tool
Install EB CLI (documentation):
- Install via Python (here using Python 3+)
python3 -m pip install awsebcli --upgrade --cli
- Add the user relative script folder to environment variable:
- Something like
on Windows
- Something like
- Check that CLI is available from terminal:
eb --version
- Create an user via AWS IAM to get a aws access id and a aws secret key
- Initialize the application if it does not exist yet
- To list all environments
eb list
- To deploy code to an environment
eb deploy {environment name}
- To terminate environment
eb delete {environment name}
Most of the action done via the management console can be done via EB CLI. To start:
cd path_to_your_application_repository
eb init
- Select your region
- If your application already exists, select it to “link” the repository to the application
- Select the default existing environment. You can change it via
eb use {new default environment name}
This will generate a .elasticbeanstalk/config.yml
. Feel free to have a look and adapt the content if necessary
To deploy the current code:
eb deploy {environment name}
Environment name is optional. If omitted, deployment will be done to the selected default environment
Do not forget to assign appropriate environment variables (Rails secrey key, database url, third party configuration, etc)
Read more on eb deploy
Git branches
To be confirmed, tested blabla
The EB CLI seems to deploy the currently active git branch. Example:
- You are currently on the develop branch
- You have two environment: prod and dev
- If you
eb deploy prod
, you will deploy your develop to your prod environment
Ruby on Rails
for Ruby, do not forget:
If you cannot multiple Ruby version, make sure that Ruby sub-version (e.g. 2.5.1 vs 2.5.3) does not prevent from deploying